News from the O'Sullivan Lab

- September 2019: Dwayne, Elena and Janice
all presented posters at the 'Conway Festival
of Research 2019'.
Huge congratulations to Dwayne who was
awarded the Conway Medal in recognition of
giving the best research presentation of the
- September 2019: Our review of the role of ER contacts within neurons is accepted for publication in the journal 'Frontiers of Neuroscience'!
- June 2019: Welcome to Janice Bulk (University of Cologne) who is undertaking a 6 month research project in the lab and Kate Reidy (Michigan State University) who joins us on an 8 week project.
​- April 2019: Dwayne, Elena and Niamh all presented posters at the
'British Neuroscience Association' meeting in Dublin.
- March 2019: We welcome Belguun Batnasan who will be undertaking
a 6-month research project in the lab in part fulfilment of his BSc from
the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.
- January 2019: Welcome to Sandra Galea from Universidad de Cadiz who joins the O'Sullivan lab on a 3-month Erasmus Trainee-ship!
- November 2018: Congratulations to Philippa Fowler who completed
her PhD viva!
- October 2018: Welcome to Elena Garcia who re-joins the lab as a
Ph.D. student to be co-supervised with Prof. Jeremy Simpson (UCD)!
​- July 2018: Dwayne is presenting a poster at the 'Federation of European Neuroscience Societies' meeting in Berlin.
- June 2018: Congratulations to Elena who was awarded an Irish Research Council Ph.D. studentship.
- May 2018: Congratulations to Joran who finished his M.Sc. and has been offered a Ph.D. project in Germany!
- April 2018: Well done Dwayne who was a finalist in the Engage Seminars!
​- March 2018: Welcome to Dr. Maeve Long who joins our lab for 6 months while Niamh is on maternity leave!
- March 2018: Philippa, Dwayne
and Joran are presenting
posters at the Tom Wahilg
Foundation meeting on HSP in

- December 2017: Well done to all who worked on the lab tree
for the Conway lab Christmas decoration competition!!
- November 2017: We welcome Joran Schulte who will be undertaking a 6 month research project in the lab in part fulfilment of his MSc from the University of Utrecht!
- September 2017: Niamh is attending the 'Cell Biology of Neurons and Circuits' at Janelia Research Centre, USA.
- September 2017: Philippa, Dwayne and Elena showed off their
recent findings at the UCD Conway Institute Festival of Research.
- August 2017: Niamh showed off some of the research from the
O'Sullivan lab at the Neuroscience Ireland meeting in Galway.

- June 2017: Dwayne's paper studying the function of Npl4 and Ufd1 is accepted for publication in the Journal of Genetics and Genomics!
- May 2017: Niamh delivered a lecture 'Do my genes define me?'
at the Amgen Biotech Ireland Teacher Recognition Event
- May 2017: Well done to Dwayne who was awarded best presentation at the SBBS Graduate Research Day!
- April 2017: Philippa and Dwayne presented
their recent findings at BNA 2017 in
- March 2017: Well done Philippa who was runner-up at the
Engage Seminars!
- March 2017: Dwayne and Niamh attended the Tom
Wahlig Stiftung Symposium in Bochum, Germany

- February 2017: Niamh presented at the University of Galway Biochemistry Research Seminar Series
- December 2016: Niamh delivered a lecture at the University of Sheffield SITraN Seminar Series
- December 2016: Welcome to Elena Garcia who joined the O'Sullivan lab as a Research Assistant!
- November 2016: Philippa and Dwayne's paper discussing the importance of studying rare diseases to understand more common neurodegenerative disorders is accepted for publication in the Journal of Rare Diseases Research and Treatments!
- October 2016: Niamh was invited to present at the NIH Neurogenetics Branch Meeting
- September 2016: Dwayne and Philippa presented posters at the 2016 Neuroscience Ireland meeting
- August 2016: Congratulations to Philippa who was selected
to take part in the 2016 Novartis BioCamp in Zurich!
- July 2016: Dwayne attends the Wellcome/NIH PhD Programme Induction at The Wellcome Trust Offices in London
- June 2016: Philippa's paper reporting an important role for ER-shaping proteins in regulating ER and mitochondrial organisation in motor neurons is accepted for publication in Human Molecular Genetics!
- June 2016: Niamh was asked to give the Dublin Neuroscience Conference talk in Beaumont Hospital
- May 2016: Fantastic news for the O'Sullivan Lab as Niamh is awarded a Wellcome Trust-SFI-HRB Seed Award in Science!
- March 2016: Huge congratulations to Dwayne Byrne who was awarded a Wellcome Trust/National Institutes of Health (NIH) 4 year PhD Studentship to be undertaken jointly under the supervision of Dr. Niamh O'Sullivan (UCD) and Dr. Craig Blackstone (NIH)

- November 2015: Niamh presents a seminar at the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, King's College London
- May 2015: Niamh presents and chairs a session at the European Network for a Cure for ALS (ENCALS) Meeting in Dublin
- April 2015: Niamh is invited to present her work at the Neuroscience Ireland sponsored session on neurodegeneration at BNA 2015 in Edinburgh
- February 2015: Niamh featured in an article from Technology Network Neuroscience